Wednesday, July 13, 2011

wee wee

Hey I'm speaking French I'm not being dirty.
Leavening Pamplona yesterday the train went through the Pyrenees mountains on the way to Vitoria ( I think those where the Pyrenees)  The mountains where really lush with some small mountain farming communities and the bottom and beautiful limestone cliff above. It started to rain in the mountains and fallowed us all the way into Vitoria. The rain was keeping everyone trapped in a small train station. My five hour layover was starting to look really long, when the rain stopped. I ran out...
 as much as I can run with a 50lb pound pack on my back and a 30lb pack on my front. I brought to much stuff and I'm trying every chance I get to slim down. I gave away my tent to a kid headed to Pamplona in the rain with nowhere to sleep.After I ride the tour DE France and maybe do some climbing in the Alps I hope to be able to fit everything into my day pack. It would be so much better than traveling around with this much junk.
Anyway I ran out to the movies. about two and a half hour before I caught my almost midnight train to Paris I watched midnight in Paris. Crazy right. Then I finally bored the train just before midnight. It wasn't bad I slepet in a reclining chair with a foot rest kind of like a lazy boys. With a chair like that some ear plugs and the eye covers I slept like a baby, Until I got to country number 2. I was able to make the two subway transfer in Paris fine it was the walking I screwed up. I over shot the apartment by almost a mile, with my heavy pack. ( quick recap of the last two days travel: I took a mid rage bus a short range bus a cab mid range train over night train two subways and lots of walking.) So even though I over shot the apartment by a ways I had plenty of time to kill making it right. I got to Paris about 9:30 and I couldn't put down my pack until 5
This is did give me some time to work on my photo assignment. I'm trying to take photos of interesting doors and bikes and Europe especially Paris (so far) has a lot of both.
I also am already way more impressed with the food in France than I was in Spain. You can even smell it here. I just ate at a place like Chiles but I also had a creme bile and an eclair. French desserts rule! well I'm in and showered and its time to go see Paris at nite. so Bonjour bloggers ( thats hello but its the most creative French thing I could think of)

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