I can't believe my time in Spain is almost over. I go back to Pamplona in the morning to catch a train to Paris. I have really liked Spain but not for why I thought I would like it. The people arent as friendly as I expected but they are beautiful. The two meals I paid alot for where delishius, but the food in general was ok( I didn't lose any weight or go hungry) it's not as green as I thought but the water was bluer than I would have imagined. Traveling itself has been good. I have made some mistakes and I brought way to much. I try to slim down every chance I get. Theis to much to go through again but I haven't talked about smells, and sounds.
Smells. The food doesn't have much, alot of sandwiches and other things without much smell. The people don't stink. Really not even on hot days in tight spaces or after partying for days on end. I meen theis is some bo now nad then but for the most parttheir good. They did pretty good with public tolietes but their are to many people and to much drinking for their to not be some public urinating. But they do a really good job of literally washing the streets down at least once a day. They pick up tons of trash. It's unbelievable the trash mounds that show up daily. In olite. I got some old stale air and pigeon poop smells in the castle and of corse some wine smell in the bodegas
Bells I guess is the sound that I have heard in all three city's. Bells around the sheaps necks that grazed around well spaced none discript trees in the rolling fields in Mallorca. The church bells in olite and the deep bong of the heavy bells around the bulls necks in Pamplona. I also really liked hearing the sound of the waves when I went to sleep on the beach in Mallorca and all the diffren languges I could hear their. The sounds of all the music and siging in pamploma and all the birds I could hear when I woke up to seer the sun rise implore. Any one of these places is worth the trip. I have really enjoyed Spain and I lookforward to comeing back and to moving forward into France. See ya seƱor!
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